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Start boosting your parking business today

Offer an excellent customer experience. 

List for free

There are not starting fees. We only charge you based on your sales volume


Reach out to car drivers offline and online and offer them your services.

Make sales

Happy customers leads to more sales. 


When your parking business succeeds, we succeed. There is no other way.

Our simple pricing model

For every payment that goes through ParkMan, we charge a fee. The bigger your parking business, the better pricing you qualify for. 

Starter Medium Enterprise
of each purchase

of each purchase

Visitor parking
Sell short term parking to your customers
Subscription parking
Create and Sell monthly subscription parking to your customers
EV charging
Let users pay for EV charging through the app while they park
Car wash
Sell car wash services to car drivers via PakMan
Customer data
Get full transparency of who your customers are
Feedback data
Get insight into how your customers rate the experience when they visit your locaitons
Live chat
Chat with your customers via the ParkMan app
Custom instructions
Configure instructions to you customers that are shown during the purchase flow.
Vouchers & discounts
Send targeted vouchers to ParkMan users nearby to incentivise the to buy from you.
Magic links
Create web-to-app links that takes the users directly to the Parkman app to buy your services.
ParkMan signs
Install Parkman-signs at your parking facility to incentivise customers to pay with the ParkMan app.
Data & Reporting
Parking HUB
Use ParkMan as single source of truth for all your parking data from third party channels (apps, parking meters, etc)
Sales API
Use our API to fetch sales data from the ParkMan platform
Monthly reports
Get a monthly report of your sales
Payment methods
ParkMan app
Let your visitors pay with the ParkMan native iOS and Android app
Qr-code payments
Let users pay without app, by scanning a qr-code
3rd party apps
Let customers pay with the app of their choice.
Parking enforcement
Integrate to any 3rd party parking enforcement tool you use.
ANPR systems
Integrate to any ANPR access control system you have to automatically process payments.
3rd party HUBS
Integrate ParkMan payments to any 3rd party data HUB you may be using.
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